

Copyright issue

Some of the images, videos, and graphics presented on site are neither our property nor any of them is under any copyrights. We use our own developed/edited images and infographics. Still, a lot of images have been taken from other sources.

If any of our article or image is under your copyright and it is an offense to use them, then inform us immediately. We will definitely remove it within 24 hours. Also, if you find any error in our story, you can inform us. We will ensure the same mistake doesn’t happen again in the future. We shall be very thankful for your kind attitude in this regard.

Content Reproduction and Use

The user acknowledges and agrees that all trademarks, copyright, and other intellectual property rights along with entire content published on the website shall always remain and be owned by Gadgets Detected or their respective owners. All stuff present on Gadgets Detected is available for non-commercial and personal use only. Any other use of our content on commercial platform is strictly prohibited.

However, if you wish to use our content, you can ask for it by contacting us. In case, any material is approved, it must be marked with the original source, and full credits should be provided. If anyone found to be in infringement of this policy, the offender shall be held accountable as per the cyber law.

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